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Treat Yo Self #MaskMondaysEdition


to forget about taking care of ourselves. Prioritizing all-things-me seems selfish, I know. But it is so important. Self-care is essential to living a long life, and I am learning more and more how important it is to do something for yourself, no matter how small, every single day. Who knows what tomorrow holds right?

So I'm corny and I love it. Half way through my first semester (this semester since I'm currently living it), I decided to make time each day to treat myself. The thought crossed my mind on a Monday, and since I had just wandered into TJ Maxx the day before and bought a new face mask, it seemed fitting to call it #MaskMondays! This isn't a product review type of thing, but my skin was happy afterwards and glowing the next day...but God gets the glory. I bought like a bunch of others from Target and Ross when I went home for Thanksgiving Break, and will share my #MaskMonday exploits and what I do while the mask sets to clear my mind, rest, and refocus in later posts. This one was all fun and memory making with my first friend to visit me in Grand Rapids. (photocred: Tatiana Zague).