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Maureen in the Poppies


To be carefree is a privilege in this country.

This shoot was a reminder of what made me fall in love with photography in the first place. My purpose was to capture the beauty God created. In seeing that not all of His creation was given a fair share in the spot light, I began to shift my focus on photographing the beauty that is the Black Woman (and the Black Man, but I haven’t done it too often…maybe it is time).

California has so many different landscapes to choose from, but seeing as it was the height of poppy season, I chose to venture out to the Lancaster/Palmdale area to shoot in the fields. I was born and raised in the LA area so it is actually embarrassing that I have never been before! Yay for local adventures.

Shooting with Maureen in the poppy fields was a much needed moment during a time of chaos, disarray, and grief. The concept behind this look was the concept of “being.” Just to simply exist freely. We kept the outfit as minimal as possible, hair pulled back up and away from the face.

It was a beautiful reminder that God is still moving and all we need to do is look up above the waves crashing all around, and just be in his presence.

I am still praising God for that short hour in May. It was my first socially-distanced shoot, and though I was overwhelmed, I’m glad we did it!

Check out the rest of my favorite takes below, and leave a comment. I’d love to know how it made you feel, and what thoughts crossed your mind as you viewed the content.

Special thanks to my model for showing up and showing out! Such a beautiful and willing subject. Grateful for you Maureen!