Portrait Noire: Chicago Community Meet Up

I'm currently feeling a little bittersweet about the fact that my 3.5 weeks of summer are over, and that I am back in Grand Rapids for my second year of medical school. Don't get me wrong; it is also exciting. But, this year is going to be jam packed with prepping for boards, all day everyday, with barely any time for creating. So when my friend Kwesi hit me up to be apart of a community meet up in Chicago, I knew I had to be all up in that thang! 

The meet up was put together by Portrait Noire, a platform aimed at increasing exposure to black portraits, inspiring creativity, and forming communities. They invited a few photographers to headline the meet up, including myself, and spread the word to invite models and other creatives. Let me tell you. The weather was perfect. The people that came through were open and willing to create and connect. God came through. I had flown into Detroit from home (LA) the day before, drove back with my sister and friend to Grand Rapids that morning (2 hours), and then drove from Grand Rapids to Chicago (2.5 hours). I was tired and hungry. But the vibes were so great that I was revived (although the hangry came after 2 hours). I started second year orientation three days later, happy and eagerly editing my favorite photos bit my bit.

There is nothing like coming together with new people in a new place and creating magic. Anywho, I shot eight sets of photos, for no more than 7-10 minutes at a time minus the wandering around waiting for inspiration to strike. I'm sharing some of my favorites below, so take a look, comment and share your thoughts and feelings! Follow Portrait Noire on instagram to know what city they are hitting next!

Much Love 

1. Muse: Nia Pearl

2. Muse: Le and Eric

3. Muse: Temi

4. Muse: Okwudili

5. Muse: Olu

6. Muse: Alexandria

7. Muse: Le and Sinclair

8. Muse: Jewel