Osose Oboh

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Weekly Portrait #5

Still adjusting what I want to call this series. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

This past week, I turned 26. It was a super busy week, and in my desire to be super focused in school, I almost didn't do my weekly portrait! 

I know.

Get a grip, girl. 

It is important to manage your time wisely so that you can do the things that make you happy. Medical school has it's challenges, but so will the next stage of my journey and so on. I must make it a priority to practice living a balanced life for my peace of mind and for those I will be in contact with in the future.

So, here's to fighting through, sticking to my schedule as best as I can, meeting more new people, and creating more in my 26th year of life.

Weekly Portrait #5 featuring Jody Vo.