How Do You Eat An Elephant?

An amazing woman (my anatomy professor) posed this question to my class during the first week of school: "How do you eat an elephant?". She passed out little rubber elephants as we thought about what she just said.

My mind went left. LOL. I would never eat an elephant, but if it was the last animal on earth, and I was starving...I'd cut it up and barbecue it...I guess?

She said, "One bite at a time." 

I should have prefaced this with the fact that she was giving us wisdom about approaching medical school since it is a beautiful, magnificent beast, but it applies to everything and anything you will do in life.

Like this new site. I wanted a space to share my life. I suck at journaling, but I post random long messages on my instagram that I always go back to to remember where I've been and how far God has taken me. So, this new site is a journal of sorts for me. Totally selfish. It is my space. Not myspace lol. My space. That I am sharing, with you, whoever you are. It will have tons of photos and fewer words sharing how I take life (med school, natural hair in a professional world, traveling, personal develop, mindfulness, foodie life, whatever) one bite at a time. I'm not a blogger so don't expect product reviews (unless you want to know why my skin is lookin lit in a specific photo or you're in love with something I'm wearing lol).

I am Osose Oboh, someone who just wants to live her best life, spreading light and love, and do anything and everything that God calls her to do. Yes. I just talked about myself in third person.